Effect of repeated beam scanning on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg_SiC composite fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
In this study, SiC (10 volÿ) reinforced AlSi10Mg (Al–10 massÿSi–0.35 massÿMg) alloy matrix composites were fabricated by laser powder
bed fusion (L–PBF) process. The effect of laser re–melting scan on densification behavior, microstructural formation and mechanical properties
of the specimens was examined. The relative density of the specimens increased by applying re–melting scan, especially under the condition
of a low input energy density less than 200 J/mm3 . No change was found in eutectic cell size in the microstructure of specimens by laser re–
melting. On the other hand, the decomposition of SiC particles with corresponding formation of Al4SiC4 phase was enhanced and the hardness
of the matrix region (excluding SiC particles) increased. A high ultimate compressive strength of 700 MPa was obtained when the composite
was fabricated under an optimum building condition with re–melting scan due to the densification, a high volume fraction of SiC and fine
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