“러시아 PD-8 엔진을 탑재한 슈퍼젯, 첫 비행 성공”이(가) 장바구니에 추가되었습니다. 장바구니 보기 Previous Product Next Product Sharper computer vision for self-driving cars and cybernetic avatars ₩4,000 Sharper computer vision for self-driving cars and cybernetic avatars 수량 장바구니 카테고리: 과학기술 정보 (유료), 러시아 및 CIS 국가 과학기술정보 상품평 (0) 상품평 아직 상품평이 없습니다. “Sharper computer vision for self-driving cars and cybernetic avatars”의 첫 상품평을 남겨주세요 응답 취소상품평 작성을 위해 로그인이 필요합니다. 연관 상품 Quick View Two-dimensional materials and interfaces can convert spin current into a vortex of charge currentLog in to view price and purchase Quick View Electron–electron and spin–orbit interactions compete to control the electronLog in to view price and purchase Quick View A new, sustainable way to make hydrogen for fuel cells and fertilizersLog in to view price and purchase
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